Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Black and White #1Liner Wednesday

This song has been running through my brain since I awoke this morning; and although the song writer may have had another inspiration, all forms of art inspire each of us in different ways. As I scrolled through my images, this one struck me as the way my soul is feeling about life right now. 

The world is still so full of beautiful things while Nature continues her struggle to be brilliant and survive our ever increasing brutal assault against her without conscience. Still,  there is something decidedly different about life in these times, something...less.

There seems to be less brilliance, less exuberance, less enthusiasm, a lack of vibrance and energy...a lack of color.

Is it my eyes, seeing the world I love through the haze of 

I often feel alone in trying to shine on through the dismal outlook of the

as they tremble under the watchful gaze of the hungry that wait for the smoke to clear,
eager to feed.

I feel cast out, adrift on a sea of vast hope and woeful reflection..
so empty.

while longing for the days of lilting leaves and dancing dragonflies...

Your vibrance shows in shadow and light,

But my heart knows your true colors.

Life, continual as it is, carries on..

while it weeps for what may be lost.

and wonders, 
“Will there be any more rainbows of promise to comfort the destroyers?”

I love Death Cab for Cutie and I almost saw them in concert once upon a time. This is the spark for my thought droppings today.


  1. I think, as long as you search for beauty, you will find it. The good thing for us is, when you find it, you wrap it in more beauty and share it with us.

    1. 😊 Thanks, Dan. You are always so kind. The beauty in your soul is not hard to find. Happy Thursday!

  2. Beautiful images, Cheryl! I love the little bud with two drops. Stunning!

    1. Thanks Deborah! That is one of my all time favorite images from a day trip to a friend’s place in the mountains in Costa Rica.That is where several of the images were taken, including the chicken eggs.

  3. What a beautiful song. Sad and wistful but heart touching. Your light shines brightly through your words and images Cheryl. It gladdens my day.

  4. I’m so happy to gladden your day, Pam. 🤗


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