Saturday, July 31, 2021

Delight #SoCS

 Hello, me here again. Still sporadically posting as I am able. Since my camera is my best friend, how could I possibly pass up this prompt from Linda Hill for today’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday post? 

 “Use the last photo you took and how it made you feel for your prompt word.”

This prompt is fun because it could literally be anything due to my constant snapping; but one thing is certain-the feelings evoked are almost always great ones. 

Yesterday was my oldest son’s birthday, so the last photo I took was of him and his son rolling on the floor  just before he headed off to bed. They had a busy, fun filled day with friends and this little guy was giddy. He tends to get loopy the more exhaustion creeps up on him. I was able to get him to join one more chorus of “Happy Birthday” before we called it a day. 

It is pure delight to be able to spend time with him every day and we will always cherish these moments. 🤗,

Advisory: No one in the audio is a professional singer. 
But we are full of love. ❤️❤️

Happy Weekend everyone!


I love hearing your thoughts!