Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Faeries at Twilight

Over the past year it has been a struggle for most of us to feel encouraged, hopeful or positive. I personally lost a career, another ‘familiar life’ and a beloved parent. We are still not in an ideal situation as my husband’s health takes the forefront of our thoughts and activities. 

We are blessed to have family around us. Their love is healing and comforting; but we long to be on our own again, living a simple uncluttered life and a return to good health. As is my practice, I find peace in the world around me, the non chaotic busyness of the natural world. My walks are my meditation, the breath of Earth fills me with energy and her children whisper the promise of hope. If they can hope in the face of certain devastation, who am I to give in to despair? 

Each day she shows me the bright spot….

Every time I go outside, something miraculous happens. Whether it is finding feathers 🪶 or watching the bees and butterflies as they court the blossoms that parade across the Summer landscape, each miracle restores peace to my soul. The saddest thing is knowing most people never bother to see these things, to understand how healing Nature is and to protect the gifts that have always been ours for the taking. 

Violet hues in morning light

Signs and promises

I collect a few..

Bright shining faces

In surprising places

Tiny elegance

Never before seen wonders-
things that amuse..

And astound! 

My first ever encounter with a hummingbird moth. I never even knew such a creature existed. 

It was magical. I think it was the closest feeling I’ve had to seeing a faerie. I had just gone out to take some trash and there it was, flitting among the Naked Ladies that had opportunistically grown up from the small space between two driveways.

Every movement created different colors and impressions.

It is moments like these that keep me going, that restore my hope in the survival of our world. 

She knows not of her plight 
her life, nectar and flight,
humble miracle in pink and gray
whispering at the end of the day
I hold my breath lest she hear
and flutter away in fear.
Would that I could hold such magic
to drive away the dark and tragic
moments that threaten to consume
such joy beneath the fear that they exhume.
She leaves, I sigh
and whisper goodbye,

Our beautiful, magnificent, tenacious Earth. If only we teach those that follow to appreciate her gifts and protect her life. 


 There is hope, there is healing, there is love. 



  1. You have such an eye for beauty, Cheryl, and such a wonderful talent for capturing and sharing that beauty. I hope your life brings you back to a peaceful place, a place where you can thrive.

    1. Thanks Dan. Lee said I’m like a butterfly locked in a jar here. At least I can see through the glass! 😄I’m ready to fly though.

  2. Lovely thoughts and reflections Cheryl. I hope your husband feels better soon. Nature holds many surprises for us all. Even after seeing a great many of surprises there is so much more to be seen. Keep looking. Blessings.

    1. Thanks John. I know you understand. It seems like every time I take a closer look at a flower, there is a tinier miracle there! I love it.

  3. Gorgeous treasures, and finds, Cheryl! What a wonderful gift seeing that Hummingbird Moth!! It's stunning and I just one last week for the first time myself!

  4. I will take the gift and beauty of nature any day over malls and amusement rides and the concrete jungle. There really is magic in Mother Nature's creations.

  5. I know you are a soul sister in this walk on the big path Mary. Magic indeed!

  6. Your words and pictures do my heart good. I'm so very sorry for your losses and stresses. Sending hugs across the miles!

    1. Thanks so much Marian. I appreciate your kind words and thoughts. 😊


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