Monday, November 1, 2021

About Today


Beautiful view, isn’t it? I feel rather guilty in saying I can enjoy views like this every day now. We are so thankful and enjoy every moment of our life together, wherever that may be, but our hearts soar here in the tropical landscape of Panama. 

I am taking a cue from my blogging friend and dedicated writer Dan of No Facilities. Check the link to his post for more details. Dan wrote about his history of blogging and the use of numbered lists, like ‘Ten things you should never do..” only he chose the number 8. His words inspired me to do something similar that I have touched on in the past. I often jokingly say, “Reason number 200 for why I love..” 

So, I am going to use the month of November as a gratitude tribute. Appropriately it is the month of Thanksgiving and every day gives me reason to be ever thankful in spite of the messiness of the world at large. 

Each day I will be sharing 9 things I love about my day, from the smallest to the most magnificent. I agree with Dan, that 10 is all too common. Nine has been my favorite number for many years now. Here are a few interesting facts related to the number 9.

November comes from the Latin word, novem, meaning 9

Number 9 is the number of magic

Nine is a sacred number

Nine represents completion and fulfillment

Nine is a symbol of wisdom and good leadership

Nine represents heaven

In Hinduism nine is the number of Brahma, the Creator

When multiplied the number nine always reproduces itself

Tutankhamen was only nine when he became king in 1333 BC. He was born in 1342 BC (1+3+4+1=9). He married his half sister. They had two still born daughters that were found buried with him. He died at age 19.

So, on day one of my personal November prompt, here are my 

9 Good Things About Today:

1) Waking up to the sound of hummingbirds outside my window-again

2) Preparing breakfast for us using the fresh eggs we get from our landlord’s beautiful chickens

3) Having time to edit my book

4) My dear friend sending the produce guy up to my house

5) Cleaning and preparing the fresh fruit and veggies

6) Watching The Second Best Marigold Hotel with my best friend of 32 years this month! 

7) Him happily cleaning the kitchen after my food adventures

8) Making passionfruit curd for the first time-yum! 

9) Hearing the rain on the roof at bedtime

The fresh eggs made the curd special!

Yep, it really is delish

Well, I had to do something with the smidge that was left in the pot

The produce man cometh! 

When the hubby asks for English muffins one must comply

A new basket of orchids for the porch

A favorite local restaurant. Good food and ice cold beer. 

Yeah…I think I’d like to stay awhile. Stay tuned for the cake that will accompany my passionfruit curd. 
Who knows what tomorrow’s list will bring?  Here’s hoping your days are filled with lovely things. 

Be passionate about life..


  1. I love your list! The muffins, curd, and cookies look yummy!

    1. Passionfruit just screams to be enjoyed in all ways. And it leaves the house smelling so good. Thanks!

  2. Those certainly are none good things, Cheryl. I liked learning more about 9 and November (the month of my birth :)

    1. Yes! Your birthday is just days away. I hope it’s a great one. I was delighted to see the synchronicity of choosing 9 for November as soon as I looked up the meaning of the number 9. My life is like that. It’s my little bit of magic. 😉


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