Thursday, January 2, 2020

Call Me Marmalade

And serve me on toast! 😱

Today couldn’t have been an ordinary post holiday Thursday. No, it was the grandmother of all manic Mondays. Holy Moly. See all those doors?

If I walked through those doors a dozen times, I walked through them a hundred! Getting my steps in! πŸ˜‰ How about these doors, Dan?

But it was nothing a little pizza and beer couldn’t numb. 

😳What? You were expecting photos? Ummmm....nothing left. Not a drop or a crumb,
But oh so very yum! That’s as close to poetic as I’m getting tonight, friends.

Onward into Friday and then the glorious #Free48! 48 hours that are mine! Hopefully the weather folks are right in predicting one sunny day! That may mean a mini excursion, which means photos!  WoohooOooo! 

Hope your first post holiday day was great. 

Love and light,

This post is a part of Linda Hill’s JusJoJan prompt. Check out her blog for other great prompts. 

And now I bid you adieu, farewell, buenos noches, sweet dreams...


  1. Pizza and beer can fix anything!!

  2. Most things Pam! It at least takes the edge off. Lol

  3. Ha ha, this is a good post. I feel your need for pizza and beer. A great mid-week cure all. I hope you enjoy the Free48, Cheryl.

  4. Pizza is always good. I am waiting on mine at the moment.

  5. It's Friday, Cheryl, and you have me craving pizza and beer, when I can have neither. Oh well, I'm going to haul out the chips and mayo (something I've become addicted to) and maybe a chicken burger and salad. I hope your Friday was a good one and now on to the Free 48. Yay!

  6. Why can’t you Mary? Is it the wheat or the carbs? I like turkey burgers. I love mayo and I love chips but not together. When I was a kid I ate mayo on white bread, open faced with salt! πŸ™Š


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