Friday, March 20, 2020

Hanging In..

Sharing another Nature moment that fits with our current situation. Recent days feel just like this for me and so many others. Our office remains open and people keep coming, keep congregating, keep laughing and throwing caution to the wind in the face of the frightening truth. I have all my fingers and toes crossed just like this guy. Be well my friends. If you care for yourself it will be helping everyone. 
Hang in there, Baby. 😉


  1. We are hanging in there, Cheryl. Thanks for the supporting image. He’s a cutie 🙂

    1. I’m glad to hear it, Dan. Love my little friends.

  2. Be well Cheryl. It is spring . One step at a time. One flower at a time. One butterfly at a time. Even one lizard at a time. Hey lizards are pretty too. Even when they eat flowers and butterflies.

  3. Be well, Cheryl - and be the change.

  4. We keep hanging on and it helps immensely to read others' blogs with messages of support. We are not alone.

    1. We must remember we are never alone even when we feel isolated. Hugs, Pam .

  5. Cool picture that aptly portrays the art of hanging in. We’re trying that for sure.

  6. Totally can relate.... and why is your office staying open? Still? Gads. Most I know are takign appointments at best....


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