Monday, February 15, 2021


 Today. It’s a word. It implies a unit of time and that very implication imposes definitions, limitations, expectations, urgency and even hope. Words are interestingly powerful things. Magnificent things happen when words are spoken correctly and terrible things happen when words are twisted, misused and abused. This is why I try, as much as possible, to choose my words, even in extreme emotional states. I have spent so many years having to talk for a living, learning to communicate in ways that bring positive results and keep relationships working that it hasn’t bothered me a lot to spend a few months not having to talk much. 

Well, more than I would have liked given that we now live in a country where I speak little of the language and have to be ever more cautious about how I use my words. I find having to translate my thoughts into the proper communication based on this new language gives me even more of an opportunity to choose the way I wish to present my thoughts. With all I have seen of communication lately in politics, in social media and on the news, I wonder if it might not be prudent to do a little language research and interpretation before many people open their mouths to speak. 

It is a simple problem really, and one that is as old as time. Humans must be taught at the earliest age to understand that their thought process is different from anyone else’s. An individual’s ideas, emotions and judgments are based on their own history, genetics, upbringing and influences which means that there are trillions of possible dyed in the wool ways in which people view everything from love, spirituality, responsibility and happiness to how to make a really perfect grilled cheese sandwich. 

When we speak to anyone else about anything, it is imperative to accept that their personal experience will affect what they hear and understand when they hear you. Sure, if you spew dogmatic ideas and opinions, there will be those who might share your views or even others who are afraid to think for themselves and will follow the most powerful voice they hear. 

If you speak in a passive voice, inspiring compassion, empathy, understanding and hope, you may attract others of like mind as well as those who may long for these types of feelings but aren’t able to accept them for themselves without actually doing the personal groundwork it takes to get to such a place. 

This process ends up in leaders and followers of groups with rules and standards which only amplifies separation. In my humble opinion, at this point in time for our world, it is crucial that we stop talking all the time, stop looking to someone else to set our standard or make us feel like we belong. 

I only find true peace when I am still and quiet, when I walk in Nature and listen, feel, touch the Creation we call home. When you can see the perfection and beauty in the tiniest parts that make up the whole of this magnificent world we live on, you can finally understand that Existence depends upon everything single thing that moves within it. 

That glint of yellow there on the ground

Golden beauty on its petals found

A shadow on that leaf as it rustles

Delicate wonder that knows its place

As I walk in silence, hummingbirds appear, butterflies flit by, bees sing and the wind whispers through the trees. They dance in the breeze. Gracefully, gratefully, hopefully, carefree. These are healing moments. Moments. Not days, months or years that loom ominously on our calendars of demanding expectation. I may not be in the same rat race I was just six months ago, but my practice of experiencing moments began long before I left my career behind. It was this practice that helped me to survive the standards, constrictions and dictations that were placed on me by those who understand nothing of the illusion of time. 

Be brave. See something familiar without the old judgment. 

Acknowledge your reflection in the All That Is.
For we are all and all is us. Only when we see existence truly as the sum of every one of its parts will we reach a point of unity. 
Go outside and find something minuscule. Examine it, feel it and accept it for its part in Creation. If you want take a photo or make a sketch and share it here with me in the comments. Let’s all begin to acknowledge the gifts that are ours for free. 

They are depending on us. If we stop looking, how long before much of this Creation will cease to exist?


  1. I love your perspective, Cheryl. You see beyond the immediate, and you think about things. Too many people, including many in authority, don't bother.

  2. Some say I think too much. Too many people out there just doing without a thought. The state of the world is in serious peril and few even acknowledge that changes are needed. Thanks for the kind words, Dan. 🙂


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