Thursday, November 4, 2021

#ThursdayDoors/Viva la Panama!

Today’s post will be a two-fer. It is Thursday and once again I have the chance to (finally) participate in the Thursday Doors prompt hosted by my good friend Dan Antion . You should follow the link to his blog and enjoy his latest doorscursion contribution. You can also find links to other great blogs with doors posts there! 

Part two of my post is the continuation of my own November prompt of #9 Good Things which is my way of expressing gratitude for the gifts we enjoy each day, large and small. 

As it happens, this week is a time of celebration here in Panama, with several days marking big events for the country. Yesterday was Panama’s National Independence Day celebration, honoring the establishment of The Republic of Panama in 1903 when it separated from Colombia. 

Today is National Flag Day. Panama’s flag was designed by Maria de la Ossa de Amador and officially adopted in 1925.

Flag of Panama

Tomorrow is Colon Day, honoring the day that the citizens of Colon helped avert a march on Panama City by Columbia in 1903. It is the third day of the Independence ‘triple crown’ celebration of freedom for this beautiful country. 

It seems there is a lot of gratitude flowing here this week and a lot of celebration. What follows is my today List of 9 Good Things, starting with my Thursday Doors submission. 

1) This door is a magical portal that delivers all of the packages we get from home. Many people depend on this service. There are several in town but we are happy with ServiTech. If you could peek inside, you might confuse it with an Amazon warehouse. 🤭 On delivery days the packages are stacked outside to the rooftop! 

2) You have to love the opportunist! Making an entrance anyway it can.

3) This is my favorite tree here. It is an angel trumpet, a member of the nightshade family. It’s flowers can be poisonous and fatal if ingested but many have used them for the hallucinogenic properties they have.
Hint: DON’T do IT! 

3) Morning dew on dainty blooms makes me smile

4) Hot green tea on a brisk morning

5) Bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich with a side of fruit. Love those little zingy sprouts on top! 

6) Tripped down memory lane seeing this public pay phone. Yeah, it works! 

7) Our favorite taxi driver’s truck. Gonzalo is the best, always available and on time. Taxis run the moving world around here, even though a lot of folks have vehicles. 
(We don’t 😉)

8) I had a treat today! A mani-pedi. 😜 First time in I don’t know how long. She came to the house and was so sweet and great at what she does. A little self pampering goes a long way, not to mention the wonderful conversation we had. 

9) A new little shelf from my friend to get another space organized and a bit more ‘homey’.

Well, this a wrap. I hope everyone has enjoyed a lot of good things in their day. If you haven’t already, take a closer look at them. You’ll be surprised what a difference it can make. Until tomorrow…



  1. Thank you for sharing this with Thursday Doors, Cheryl. It’s always good to have you here. I love the 9-things you’re doing. Next week, at the bar, you’re going to meet the originator of the 8-things. I think he’ll be happy to know that he’s not the only one not doing 10-things. I love the taxi-truck. The pay phone is cool and the coffe and breakfast are making me hungry.

    1. I feel so neglectful at not always being able to join the doors posting but am very excited when I can. Thanks, Dan. I’m excited to meet this Mr 8. 👏🏻 That taxi truck is perfect for driving people to the airport or shopping for items too large to go into a car. I could tell you pay phine stories that are branded into my heart. That green tea and breakfast was around $7. Makes it even tastier. And there was a perfect breeze blowing across the patio there. Fresca!

  2. You let me see beauty through your eyes and it is indeed beautiful!

  3. Those are great doors, and a wonderful little look at your world there. Your nails look beautiful!

    1. Thank you Deborah. She worked wonders on my feet too. 🤭

  4. Lovely all. I wish you many more good things every day.

    1. Aww thanks so much Manja! I wish the same for you. 🙂

  5. Sure wish you could read my comments. Oh well maybe some day.

    1. Hi John! I do read your comments. All comments go to moderation first though. though. 🙂Thanks for visiting and leave me comments.

    2. Thank you! I was having a lot of spam comments at one point and chose the moderation route. I appreciate your diligence.🙂


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