Friday, January 28, 2022

Shedding Means Growth #JusJoJan

Hi All,
Our good friend Linda Hill has sent me to visit the dictionary with today’s #JusJoJan prompt~


Seriously, not even in the dusty school days crevices of my gray matter is there even a speck of remembrance of ever having heard or been exposed to this word. Yet, it applies to so much that goes on in my life daily.

Abscission: The shedding of or cutting away of parts of a plant. The separation of body parts in nature of animals under attack, such as a lizard losing its tail. 

Plants constantly shed the old to make room for new growth or else they will wither and die. Some plants manage this on their own..

while others need a bit of help in letting go of that which no longer serves them.
Either way, the shedding is necessary to make room for new growth .
Humans are not much different. We regenerate cells,  shed skin and  hair and need to trim things away to improve our health. Sometimes our emotional, mental and spiritual health needs pruning in order for us to thrive. This might be the most difficult process of all, yet if we don’t we can become stuck and unable to move forward. 

We found this long snakeskin wound around one of our palm trees a year ago

I was going through a very tough period of having to let go. My father died, I lost my job and Covid was just rearing its ugly head. This skin was a sign for me, reminding me that growth would surely come after so much loss.

We outgrow what no longer serves us and, if we are wise, leave it behind for the better things ahead. 

Abscission, not just for Nature…

I feel reborn and blessed at this time.



  1. Very well done, Cheryl. I had to look this up, too.

  2. Well done on the prompt, Cheryl. Loved the photos

  3. Definitely a new word for me! And you explained it perfectly.

  4. Oh if we could just simply shed this covid snake skin.


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