Monday, January 31, 2022

Are You Serious? #JusJoJan

Well, Linda Hill has this year’s #JusJoJan monthly prompt going out with a bang. I’m so glad I had more time to join in the fun and this is another of my favorite words. 

Being raised by a father whose sarcasm and quick wit was a daily occurrence has been the saving grace for my naturally sensitive Cancer nature. For him nothing was off limits for a tease, teaching us to laugh at ourselves before anyone else did. 

If I twisted my ankle or jammed my pinky (as I so often did) while playing basketball, he would knit his brows in serious concern, bend it gently and say, “Yep, I think we’re gonna’ have to amputate.” As an injured kid I got frustrated by his seeming lack of concern, but I appreciate the fact that I can tolerate one heck of a lot of pain before I get crazy. 

In our house we heard a lot of superstitions from my father because his mother was very metaphysically connected. My Daddy often saw deceased members of the family in a dream the very night they passed, although he tried to be pragmatic about it to us. So we grew up with a lot of old superstitions like:

If you already have bread on your plate and ask for another slice it means unexpected company is coming.

Always sweep out the back door so you don’t sweep your good luck away. 

If your nose itches, someone wants to kiss you.

You should only cut your hair on a full moon so it will grow quick and healthy.

If your hand itches, money is coming. (Can I tell you how many times that one has disappointed me over the years?)

If your ears burn someone is talking about you. (I hated that one and wish it were the only time it was true.🤦‍♀️)

So, it stands to reason that when my foot or other body part would itch, I ran to him all excited and asked what it meant. 

He would look at me solemnly and say, “You say your foot itches? Well, you know what that means?”

I looked at him expectantly, my young heart waiting for some profound prophetic revelation and he replied,

“If your foot itches it means..  you need to scratch it.”

And now you know why facetious is one of my favorite words. Of course it leads to a lot of explaining when you deal with others who don’t have an understanding of twisted harmless humor. 😉

My kids know it well. 

Thanks again Linda! And Susan for this, our last prompt of January. And a big thank you to my friend Dan over at No Facilities. Not only is he a great boss and customer at the bar but I get all the prompts from his wonderful blog because it is the first one I read every day. Check all these talented writers out and visit some of the links in Linda’s comments. 

You know there has to be a photo and some music. 😉 have a great week everyone! 

Doesn’t he look just full of mischief? 

And one of his favorite songs that just screams, 
We always listened for it to be played on our local kids’ show, Buckskin Bill.


  1. I loved that song! I have not heard it in decades. Now I understand your sense of humour. You should be proud.

  2. I am. It was fun growing up for many years with him around. If he thiught we were feeding him ridiculous information he would say, “Aw, your father works in a milk factory,” in other words, shut up already. He retired from the Borden milk company.

  3. I've heard the sayings about an itchy hand and nose, but it was from the ex, not a parent. As for the word facetious, my dad taught me that one with his dry sense of humor. I miss his wit!

    1. I am so sad for anyone whose parents don’t teach them how to laugh. Thanks Mary.

  4. You've done very well with this, Cheryl. I love the way your father (like mine) put you at ease with his facetious comments.

    1. Thanks, Dan. He was somethin else. I miss him so much. 😔


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