Saturday, May 16, 2020

It’s Official!

I want to change my name to Bob and apply for an architecture apprenticeship at the Lego factory.

My youngest son, also my birthday buddy, saw every Harry Potter movie with me from the time he was around ten. It was our tradition and so much fun. We both love the books, the films and all that the story embodies. Jo Rowling is a hero in many ways. So, when he sent me pics of his own Lego set of Hogwarts, I was envious. It looked amazing. So, for Mother’s Day he surprised me with my own set! This one is Hagrid’s hut and Buckbeak’s near demise and rescue by Harry and Hermione.  
I figured I would just start slow, doing a bit each night as a kind of meditation, a mindless enjoyment. I began the set with the adorable little Mother’s Day card kit. It is so sweet. 

As you can see from the first photo, there were choices for the message. I asked him which one he would choose for me. He chose this one.πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•

Then the real fun started. I put together a few pieces the first night. 

Then last night I worked on it until I was too tired to see. 

Today all bets were off. So much for stretching out the fun, as I worked with feverish glee to get every piece in the right place, making one of my favorite parts of The Prizoner of Azkaban film come to life. As you can see, the set even has a light that comes on for the fireplace! (That’s to keep Hagrid’s Dragon egg warm..)

So there you have it, my new career has been decided upon. But until then, I hope to get more sets cuz lego fun has been a mind saving distraction for me. And I get to have my good friends from Hogwarts with me all the time now. Thanks again Willard! πŸ˜˜πŸ€—

Visit her page for more great posts! Meanwhile, enjoy a snippet of the wonderful world of Harry Potter. 


  1. Legos are so much fun. I can only imagine building one of your favorite places. It looks like you did a good job, Bob 😏

    It was sweet of your grandson to send you that. I love the card, too. Enjoy!

    1. It was actually my youngest son, the one born on my birthday. 😊Thanks Dan. As silly as it might sound to some, it was very exciting to make one of my favorite places come to life.

  2. How cool is that! I enjoy building lego sets with #1 Grandson.

    1. My grandchildren all live away but they love Lego sets too. One is very into Minecraft so I try to send those sets his way.

  3. I love Legos! I have memories of many happy hours, building stuff with kids and grandkids. :)

    1. All my sons loved duplos and Legos growing up but the sets have vecome quite intricate over the years. It is very magical!

  4. That's awesome, Cheryl. Even though Legos were not part of my childhood, I always thought how cool it must be to work for the company in some capacity as a builder/architect/quality compliance tester. It looks like you need another HP set, though, to keep your new career going. When's the next holiday that involves presents?


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