Saturday, August 21, 2021

Nothing From Nothing/#SoCs


Ode to What Is

Before we flew 

we broke the code

and thus into

the unknown rode

on gossamer wings,

such lovely things

we saw along the way.

Stardust Faeries, 

goo goo dolls,

buffalo swarms

Martian spitballs!

We ne’er did stop

to smell the toads

or wonder at 

pink nematodes,

too focused on 

the unseen treasure.

We watched it pass

without a measure 

of regret.

Laughing, crying,

we left the dying 

to float away,

forgot to say,

“Farewell, so sorry!”

Nothing learned, 

everything lost,

no one dared to

count the cost

of reckless life.

No good could come

of human mis-living

Existence can be 

so unforgiving.

We wrote the book

of our own demise

with swords dipped in 

 the blood of the wise.


Suicide mode on,

gone the old ideal,

forgetting all that

we knew as

beautiful and real.

We fell so quickly,

our wings how they flamed,

more vicious and base

as all others we blamed. 

Into the barren 

wasteland we strode,

hungry, thirsty as

the truth of it flowed

over our souls like

a river of fire,

gone the desire

for more.

                                                                         Ashes to ashes,

the mountains to dust,

cities to rubble,

progress to rust. 

We fell to our knees

at the edge of the pool-

a silvery lake

so welcoming, cool.

“You can only drink,”

she said, melancholy,

“if you face the reflection

that shows you the folly

of its path.”

We thought it would be easy

and clamored for the drink,

until the monstrous truth 

dragged us to the brink 

of stark reality.





Tracing hideous scars

upon our skin. 

Wailing, screaming and 

gnashing of teeth

as most descended

to their graves beneath.

All but a few

had failed the test,


whispered a prayer

to forgive the rest.

Then drinking our fill, 

 but not one drop more,

we fell upon the ashen shore

as a gentle rain echoed happily,

the distant strains of a prophecy…..

CKP Copyright words and images 2021

This post brought to you by Linda Hill’s SoCS prompt Check out her blog for other great posts and to get the rules if you would like to join in! 


  1. Such vivid images are painted with your words. Plus a killer sound track. Good vibes to you and yours.

    1. Hi there! Thanks. Glad you liked it. Hope all is well with you.

  2. So beautifully lyrical. What magical imagery.

    1. Thanks so much Maggie. I’m happy you enjoyed it.

  3. Very well done, Cheryl. You paint a powerful image of self-inflicted failure of the worst kind. I miss Billy. Talented man, gone too soon.

    1. So many were, Dan. It’s beginning to get lonely without these talented people. Thanks, Dan.

  4. If only we were not so persistent.

    1. If only our minds and eyes would be open to see. 😞


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